hgoebl / DavidWebb

Lightweight Java HTTP-Client for calling JSON REST-Services (especially for Android)
MIT License
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Setting multiple headers #23

Closed jvillemare closed 8 years ago

jvillemare commented 8 years ago

I'm having some trouble setting multiple headers using webb's HTTP library and I don't know if it's because I'm dense or I can't figure out how to cast types or something.

Here's my code:

Webb webb = Webb.create();
webb.setDefaultHeader( "User-Agent", "Java/8 by <APPLICATION_ID>" );
webb.setDefaultHeader( "Authorization", "bearer " + token );

JSONObject result = null;

try {
    result = webb
        .get( ABOUT_ME )
} catch ( WebbException ex ) {

I'm fairly certain that the second setDefaultHeader() is just overwriting the first statement because I found:

header(String name, Object value)
Set (or overwrite) >>a<< HTTP header value.

In the API docs, under Request. I tried just inserting .header( "header", "value") after get() and before ensureSuccess(), but then my IDE, NetBeans, said this symbol was not found.

Since header( String, String) is in the Request class, I just thought I could switch out the "Webb webb" declaration for "Request webb" as is shown here, but inserting either Request or Request<String> for the webb's variable type produced an error:



Also, a little sidenote: In the header()'s Javadocs, there's a grammatical error. It should be "Set (or overwrite) an HTTP header value."

hgoebl commented 8 years ago

It should work in 3 different ways:

Example code (setting header for a single webb instance):

    webb = Webb.create();
    webb.setDefaultHeader(Webb.HDR_USER_AGENT, Const.UA);

    // take userId and secret to obtain access-token
    accessToken = obtainAccessToken(mSyncPrefs);
    webb.setDefaultHeader(HDR_ACCESS_TOKEN, accessToken.token);

Example setting header for a single request:

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
    cal.set(2013, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 24, 23, 59, 33);

    Response<Void> response = webb
            .header("x-test-string", SIMPLE_ASCII)
            .header("x-test-int", 4711)
            .header("x-test-calendar", cal)
            .header("x-test-date", cal.getTime())
            .param(Webb.HDR_USER_AGENT, Webb.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT)

    assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode());

Like almost all calls to methods of Request, it's returning the instance (this) so you can chain the calls. I suppose there is something wrong with your IDE or your code has errors.

Thanks for pointing out the grammatical error!

BTW headers are only overwritten when using the identical name. They are stored in a hash-map and of course multiple headers can be set.

jvillemare commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much for the quick response,

This is just a note for anyone who encounters the same problem:

Using the Response<Void> as the variable's type did allow me to add headers( "", "" ). However, it created a conflict with my try-catch statement below because a Response<JSONObject> variable is not the same as a JSONObject. But adding ensureSuccess(), getBody(), and changing the variable to JSONObject solved my problem as shown below:

JSONObject result = webb
    .get( "https://www.reddit.com/r/all/new/.json" )
    .param( "limit", 1 )
    .header( "User-Agent", "Java/8 by <<APP_ID>>" )
    .header( "Authorization", "bearer " + token )
    .ensureSuccess() // << added
    .getBody(); // << added

System.out.println( "OAUTH: Got response: "
    + result.toString().substring( 0, 32 ) + "..." );

String data;

try {
    data = result
        .getJSONObject( "data" )
        .getJSONArray( "children" )
        .getJSONObject( 0 )
        .getJSONObject( "data" )
        .getString( "id" );
} catch ( WebbException ex ) {

Upon reflection, I do now see how dense I was. Thank you, David, again for helping me with this.