Unfortunately I ran into a problem with converting mixed dimensions using contexts. I want to convert one dimension into another dimension in a mixed quantity like 1[MyDimension]/[km] -->1.43[MyOtherDimension]/[km]. If I only use my self defined dimensions 1[MyDimension]] -->1.43[MyOtherDimension], everything works as expected. However, if I mix the dimensions, the conversion fails. I have come up with the following minimal example:
import pathlib
import pint
# generate pint registry
unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry(system="SI")
unit_registry.formatter.default_format = "~"
# add currency dimensions to pint registry
current_folder = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0]
path_to_registry_definition = current_folder.joinpath(r"unit_def_file.txt")
# Create quantity from self defined unit in dimension 1
my_quantity = 1 * unit_registry.Unit("my_unit_1_dim_1")
# Convert to unit within the same dimension --> Works
print("Conversion 1", my_quantity.to("my_unit_2_dim_1"))
# Convert to unit in other dimension --> Works
"Conversion to other dim:", my_quantity.to("my_unit_1_dim_2", "context_dim_1_dim_2")
# Convert standard units using the the self defined context -->works
length_quantity = 1 * unit_registry.Unit("km")
print(length_quantity.to("m", "context_dim_1_dim_2"))
# Convert self from one self defined dimension to other self defined dimension with composite units --> Fails
my_composite_quantity = 1 * unit_registry.Unit("my_unit_1_dim_1/km")
print(my_composite_quantity.to("my_unit_1_dim_2/km", "context_dim_1_dim_2"))
Exception has occurred: DimensionalityError
Cannot convert from 'my_unit_1_dim_1 / kilometer' ([my_dimension_1] / [length]) to 'my_unit_1_dim_2 / kilometer' ([my_dimension_2] / [length]
This is the context of my definition file :unit_def_file.txt
I would like to use these conversions to implement inflation rates and different currencies, while also dealing with other units. A typical use case would be to convert €/l to $/gallon.
Is this a bug, have I misconfigured something or is the functionality just not implemented?Any help would be appreciated.
Hi there,
Unfortunately I ran into a problem with converting mixed dimensions using contexts. I want to convert one dimension into another dimension in a mixed quantity like 1[MyDimension]/[km] -->1.43[MyOtherDimension]/[km]. If I only use my self defined dimensions 1[MyDimension]] -->1.43[MyOtherDimension], everything works as expected. However, if I mix the dimensions, the conversion fails. I have come up with the following minimal example:
This is the context of my definition file :unit_def_file.txt
I would like to use these conversions to implement inflation rates and different currencies, while also dealing with other units. A typical use case would be to convert €/l to $/gallon.
Is this a bug, have I misconfigured something or is the functionality just not implemented?Any help would be appreciated.