hh79 / gzdoomvr

Classic Doom/Heretic/Hexen games in stereo 3D and VR; modified version of gzdoom.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing Weapon Sprites without Motion Controls? #3

Open Immorpher opened 4 years ago

Immorpher commented 4 years ago

Finally got the chance to try this! It runs great for the most part, but I get the same bug as I did with Fishbiter's version, where with my set up the weapon sprites don't appear. Perhaps it could be because I play with an Xbox controller as opposed to motion controls? I am also using the iVRy driver for Steam Open VR. I attached a screenshot if it helps. DoomVR

hh79 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I probably could easily restore drawing a hud weapon sprite when you don't have a motion controller, but I think you would have a problem with aim. In VR mode aim follows a motion controller, but on the screenshot I clearly see that you manage to kill something. So please write how aim works for you now, is it perhaps a head aim ?

Immorpher commented 4 years ago

It is head aim, and the head aim works great (so far). It seems by default the aim is centered. So wherever I look, it shoots in the middle of where I am looking.

Immorpher commented 4 years ago

Oh and if it helps, perhaps coding wise, this version of VR GZDoom works good without motion controls: https://github.com/cmbruns/gz3doom/releases

hh79 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately I was not able to fix drawing a weapon sprite when motion controllers are not present. When I update this fork to the latest version of gzdoom I plan to do some code cleanup and I'll look again into this issue.

Immorpher commented 4 years ago

I appreciate you just looking into it and thanks for keeping me updated! :)

Edit: I don't know the inner workings of GZDoom, but the HUD shows up well, so one idea is to see if an option can be implemented where weapon sprites show up as a HUD element. Heck maybe that is something I can myself do through modding? (looking into it)

hh79 commented 4 years ago

I don't know a much about Doom moding but if you somehow manage to put weapon sprites inside the hud, it should work. The good news is I can easily reproduce this bug, I have to only remove a battery from a controller and weapon sprite disappears, so definitely in the future I will return to it. Please be patient :)

De-M-oN commented 3 years ago

Aiming with the head is actually interesting mechanic :D Somehow a good alternative for other aiming than mouse despite if you sit in VR. Project Brutality has way too much keybindings so that I cant use the VR Controllers with that. Its very unfortunate because I would love to use the manual aiming like a gun with the controller especially with the bodypart hitzone system. But its just not possible without sacrificing a lot of PB features with all the keybinds.

But not seeing the weapon sprite is really a bummer because of Project Brutality's sheer amount of weapons, dual wield or not etc and on top of that making videos for youtube, having with all these weapons not the sprites visible is really a bit meh. Cant you somehow draw the gun as a 2D Sprite like the HUD elements so that it isnt bound to the aiming?

Immorpher commented 3 years ago

There could be some way to dump weapon sprites to a HUD element. The HUD seems animated enough to be able to handle it. The only downside is that it may make the weapons unaffected by environment lighting. I asked on Doomworld a while back, but since it was such a strange request I think it didn't get noticed since I didn't get a reply. Once I get the time to do some ZDoom modding again, I may ask the ZDoom forum if they might know of a way to dump the weapon sprite to the HUD.

Immorpher commented 1 year ago

Booted it up and played some Doom CE! For the most part CE plays well, looks like this missing weapon issue still happens though. Makes me wonder if the weapon sprites get put some place outside of the player's view? Perhaps exactly at the player's origin or something.

Immorpher commented 1 year ago

So Molecicco was able to solve this for CE for me, and here it is! https://www.dropbox.com/s/cyix0ssc3tf8v4r/GZVRStatusBar.pk3?dl=1