Closed mdolling-gfz closed 4 years ago
You are correct; as it stands it derives from GPL2 and therefore is GPL2, however this is simply an oversight during commit, everything in the javax.medi.j3d package should have the classpath exception. @ctrueden can you confirm that we should put the standard license into this file? @hharrison can you make the change once ctrueden has confirmed? I'll make a the change in the 1.7 version
Can I suggest this as the license header:
I hereby disclaim all copyright interest in my past and future contributions to all Java-3D-related repositories, including hharrison/java3d-core, hharrison/java3d-utils, hharrison/vecmath, philjord/java3d-core, philjord/java3d-utils, philjord/vecmath, scijava/java3d-core, scijava/java3d-utils, and scijava/vecmath. I fully support the licensing of any and all code I produced in this regard, under whatever license the copyright holders feel is most appropriate.
Although IANAL, I hope that's clear enough. :smile:
Thank you Curtis, that's great.
I pushed out an update to my j3d-core repo adding the missing license, it generally matches the form of the rest of the files in the j3d-core repo. Not intending to tag a release, just a reference for anyone that needs clarity on the license.
The file is missing a license header to put it under the classpath exception of the license.
Without the exception in the header the file basically belongs to a GPL-2.0.
Is this intended or was it just forgotten?
@cxplonka and I need this information for a release.