hhergeth / CudaTracerLib

A library for ray tracing based rendering algorithms using CUDA
GNU General Public License v3.0
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About adaptive progressive photon mapping #13

Open zengxinlu opened 6 years ago

zengxinlu commented 6 years ago

I am implementing adaptive progressive photon mapping(APPM) now, but I have some troubles. The radius to compute Laplacian estimator in my codes are too large. I want to refer your codes, and I found that you have removed APPM. I downloaded a version with APPM, but I failed to compile it. I compared my codes with yours and found no difference logically. Did you successfully implement APPM? If yes, could you please put forward an example running APPM? Thank you!

hhergeth commented 6 years ago

I used APPM for my Bachelor Thesis which was a while ago, since then I haven't worked on it anymore. I also had the same troubles getting to run. In fact I was also computing laplacian estimation radii which were too large. I was never able to get a robust implementation to run, which is why I removed it from my current code. I would be very happy to help you with your implementation though because I am still curious to find out how to implement it correctly :) Send me an email if you are interested in talking about this

zengxinlu commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply, I will read the paper more carefully again and deduce the formula about Laplacian estimation in this paper more seriously. I will contact you as soon as I implement it luckily.

YuanLinX commented 2 years ago

Could you please provide the code of your implementation of APPM? I don't really understand the Laplace derivative part of the paper. I feel that many parts of the paper are not clear enough to implement it. Could you please provide your code for my reference? It doesn't matter if the code is not quite write. My email is 2841290733@qq.com.Thank you very much.

hhergeth commented 2 years ago

I was never able to implement APPM robustly because of the issues mentioned in this thread.