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Golang: go-zero source code analysis #251

Open hhstore opened 3 years ago

hhstore commented 3 years ago


hhstore commented 3 years ago

go-zero 源码分析:







hhstore commented 3 years ago

sqlc + sqlx + cache 模块:






// NewNodeConn returns a CachedConn with a redis node cache. func NewNodeConn(db sqlx.SqlConn, rds *redis.Redis, opts ...cache.Option) CachedConn { return CachedConn{ db: db, cache: cache.NewNode(rds, exclusiveCalls, stats, sql.ErrNoRows, opts...), } }

// NewConn returns a CachedConn with a redis cluster cache. func NewConn(db sqlx.SqlConn, c cache.CacheConf, opts ...cache.Option) CachedConn { return CachedConn{ db: db, cache: cache.New(c, exclusiveCalls, stats, sql.ErrNoRows, opts...), } }

// QueryRow unmarshals into v with given key and query func. func (cc CachedConn) QueryRow(v interface{}, key string, query QueryFn) error { // 关键调用: cache.Take() 内实现 cache set 操作, 见下面 return cc.cache.Take(v, key, func(v interface{}) error { return query(cc.db, v) }) }

// Exec runs given exec on given keys, and returns execution result. func (cc CachedConn) Exec(exec ExecFn, keys ...string) (sql.Result, error) { res, err := exec(cc.db) if err != nil { return nil, err }

    // 主动删除缓存: insert/update/delete 操作, 会导致数据变更, 主动删除 cache, 简单安全
if err := cc.DelCache(keys...); err != nil {
    return nil, err

return res, nil


> core/stores/cache/cachenode.go

- https://github.com/tal-tech/go-zero/blob/v1.1.5/core/stores/cache/cachenode.go#L28
    - https://github.com/tal-tech/go-zero/blob/v1.1.5/core/stores/cache/cachenode.go#L115
    - https://github.com/tal-tech/go-zero/blob/v1.1.5/core/stores/cache/cachenode.go#L103
    - doTake(): https://github.com/tal-tech/go-zero/blob/v1.1.5/core/stores/cache/cachenode.go#L166


type cacheNode struct {
    rds            *redis.Redis // redis 写缓存
    expiry         time.Duration
    notFoundExpiry time.Duration
    barrier        syncx.SharedCalls
    r              *rand.Rand
    lock           *sync.Mutex
    unstableExpiry mathx.Unstable
    stat           *Stat
    errNotFound    error

// TakeWithExpire takes the result from cache first, if not found,
// query from DB and set cache using c.expiry, then return the result.
func (c cacheNode) Take(v interface{}, key string, query func(v interface{}) error) error {
    return c.doTake(v, key, query, func(v interface{}) error {
        return c.Set(key, v) // 关键调用

func (c cacheNode) doTake(v interface{}, key string, query func(v interface{}) error,
    cacheVal func(v interface{}) error) error {
    val, fresh, err := c.barrier.DoEx(key, func() (interface{}, error) {
        if err := c.doGetCache(key, v); err != nil {
            if err == errPlaceholder {
                return nil, c.errNotFound
            } else if err != c.errNotFound {
                // why we just return the error instead of query from db,
                // because we don't allow the disaster pass to the dbs.
                // fail fast, in case we bring down the dbs.
                return nil, err

            if err = query(v); err == c.errNotFound {
                if err = c.setCacheWithNotFound(key); err != nil {

                return nil, c.errNotFound
            } else if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            if err = cacheVal(v); err != nil {

        return jsonx.Marshal(v)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if fresh {
        return nil

    // got the result from previous ongoing query

    return jsonx.Unmarshal(val.([]byte), v)

// SetCache sets the cache with key and v, using c.expiry.
func (c cacheNode) Set(key string, v interface{}) error {
    return c.SetWithExpire(key, v, c.aroundDuration(c.expiry))

// SetCacheWithExpire sets the cache with key and v, using given expire.
func (c cacheNode) SetWithExpire(key string, v interface{}, expire time.Duration) error {
    data, err := jsonx.Marshal(v)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return c.rds.Setex(key, string(data), int(expire.Seconds())) // redis 写缓存
hhstore commented 3 years ago


hhstore commented 3 years ago


hhstore commented 3 years ago


hhstore commented 3 years ago


hhstore commented 3 years ago


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