hhuijser / evp-portlet-upgrade

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Add lugbot.yaml (mode = patch, checks) #122

Closed hhuijser closed 3 years ago

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/01-JSPWhitespaceCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/02-JSPStylingCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/03-JSPIndentationCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/04-JSPEmptyLinesCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/05-JSPTagAttributesCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/06-HTMLWhitespaceCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/07-HTMLEmptyLinesCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Patch created: /var/log/lugbot/08-XMLTagAttributesCheck_patch.patch

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Found 0 Issues for Check 'JSPWhitespaceCheck'

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Found 2 Issues for Check 'JSPStylingCheck'


Issues - There should be a line break after '}': [/view_article.jsp](https://github.com/hhuijser/evp-portlet-upgrade/blob/test0407_3/liferay-portal-6.2-ee-sp20/tomcat-7.0.62/webapps/ROOT/html/portlet/journal/view_article.jsp#L60) - There should be a line break after '}': [/view.jsp](https://github.com/hhuijser/evp-portlet-upgrade/blob/test0407_3/liferay-portal-6.2-ee-sp20/tomcat-7.0.62/webapps/ROOT/html/portlet/journal_articles/view.jsp#L280)
lugbot commented 3 years ago

Found 0 Issues for Check 'JSPIndentationCheck'

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Found 0 Issues for Check 'JSPEmptyLinesCheck'

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Found 9 Issues for Check 'JSPTagAttributesCheck'


Issues - There should be a line break after '
lugbot commented 3 years ago

Found 0 Issues for Check 'HTMLWhitespaceCheck'

lugbot commented 3 years ago

Found 0 Issues for Check 'HTMLEmptyLinesCheck'