hhunaid / react-native-image-crop-tools

Native-ish Image Crop Tools for react native
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Some Android devices don't show the cropper #29

Open andrewshortall opened 3 years ago

andrewshortall commented 3 years ago

The Android library (https://github.com/ArthurHub/Android-Image-Cropper) isn't being maintained but someone else has taken over and you can migrate to this library instead: https://github.com/CanHub/Android-Image-Cropper/wiki/%F0%9F%9A%A8-How-to-migrate-Android-Image-Cropper--%F0%9F%9A%A8

There seems to be an issue with the old Android library on some devices where the screen is just blank. It would be amazing if you could migrate because the package works very nicely otherwise. Thanks! :)

hhunaid commented 3 years ago

Hi. It seems like a small change if the underlying code doesn't have any breaking change. If you're up for a PR I can quickly release a new version.

Hongdeshuai commented 3 years ago

The cropper doesn't show images using public url as source on my Samsung S8

Hongdeshuai commented 3 years ago

Can't crop images on Android with all my Samsung phones

jonmajorc commented 2 years ago

Hey @Hongdeshuai ! are you still having this issue?