hhurz / tableExport.jquery.plugin

jQuery plugin to export a html table to JSON, XML, CSV, TSV, TXT, SQL, Word, Excel, PNG and PDF
MIT License
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Exporting to xlsx gives "warning" when opening xlsx file in Excel #294

Closed mikkelschultz closed 4 years ago

mikkelschultz commented 4 years ago

Hi When I use the "default" export buttons, the xlsx files are fine and can be opened in Excel But if I create my own buttons, and use the script below, I get this message when opening the xlsx file in Excel: image

If I click "Yes", the file is fine - but it is a bad experience for the users... Is this a known problem? And can something be done to fix it?

` var tableId = 'export-buttons-table'; var ExportButtons = document.getElementById(tableId);

var instance = new TableExport(ExportButtons, {
    formats: ['xlsx', 'csv'],
        trimWhitespace: true,
    exportButtons: false
// **** jQuery **************************
//    $(ExportButtons).tableExport({
//        formats: ['xlsx'],
//        exportButtons: false
//    });
// **************************************


//                                          // "id"  // format
var exportDataXLSX = instance.getExportData()[tableId][XLSX];
var exportDataCSV = instance.getExportData()[tableId][CSV];

// get filesize
var bytesXLSX = instance.getFileSize(exportDataXLSX.data, exportDataXLSX.fileExtension);
var bytesCSV = instance.getFileSize(exportDataCSV.data, exportDataCSV.fileExtension);

console.log('filesize (XLSX):', bytesXLSX + 'B');
console.log('filesize (CSV):', bytesCSV + 'B');

var XLSXbutton = document.getElementById('customXLSXButton');
XLSXbutton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    //                   // data             // mime                 // name                 // extension
    instance.export2file(exportDataXLSX.data, exportDataXLSX.mimeType, exportDataXLSX.filename, exportDataXLSX.fileExtension);

var CSVbutton = document.getElementById('customCSVButton');
CSVbutton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    //                   // data             // mime                 // name                 // extension
    instance.export2file(exportDataCSV.data, exportDataCSV.mimeType, exportDataCSV.filename, exportDataCSV.fileExtension);


hhurz commented 4 years ago

I think you are at the wrong project site... Thats an issue of an other TableExport 😉