hhvm / xhp-js

Easily create JS controllers for XHP elements, and XHP wrappers for React elements
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Figure out how to `constructReactInstance` in React 17 #8

Open lexidor opened 4 years ago

lexidor commented 4 years ago

Older versions of React had a different way of creating components. I am almost certain that this doesn't work in React 17. Some research by someone who knows Reacts internals is required to bring this functionality into the modern era.

One of the things that might make things more difficult (or more easy, depending on how you look at it), is how React 17 handles event handlers.

React 17 release notes

Also a bit unrelated, but a bit less fun is that JSX can compile down to two "syntaxes". New JS Transform

connorgurney commented 2 years ago

Frustratingly, I never had the opportunity to get to this, but I came across this article deconstructing how React works and felt it might be handy in future if I or others can do so!

connorgurney commented 2 years ago

I'm doing some long term project planning right now, and will try to get to this in W3 of February 2023.