hhyyrylainen / Leviathan

Leviathan Game Engine
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Setup.rb 404 error #43

Closed bcundick closed 5 years ago

bcundick commented 5 years ago

I'm a little inexperienced, so I'm not sure if its something I'm doing wrong, but when I try to compile Leviathan by running Setup.rb, I run into a problem. Once it reaches the part where it tries to clone CEF, it encounters a 404 Not Found error. I think the problem is that it is trying to clone CEF from boostslair.com, which doesn't exist. I don't think Setup.rb is out of date or anything, because I just cloned Leviathan less than an hour ago. Is there something else I should be doing?

hhyyrylainen commented 5 years ago

The link is working fine for me: https://boostslair.com/rubysetupsystem/deps/cef_binary_3.3497.1837.g00188c7_linux64_minimal.7z

The latest version is on the develop branch. So if you are on master that's an issue.

bcundick commented 5 years ago

Yep, I was on master. Looks like develop is working out. Thanks so much!