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`new URL(..., import.meta.url)` behavior difference between Vite SSR and Next edge #510

Open hi-ogawa opened 1 week ago

hi-ogawa commented 1 week ago

Next app router demo has this code in server component and it looks this is processed to be:


const interSemiBold = fetch(
  new URL('./Inter-SemiBold.ttf', import.meta.url),
).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer());

I don't think Vite SSR does such things and this new URL simply ends up with file:(filepath)/Inter-SemiBold.ttf', so fetch fails.

Probably such usage is an edge case (or maybe not https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/opengraph-image#generate-images-using-code-js-ts-tsx), but it's worth checking out where this feature is coming form either directly from webpack or next.js (I don't think this is what webpack does by default https://webpack.js.org/api/module-variables/#importmetaurl)

For example, some questions:

Also side note, I just found the official migration guide from Vite React SPA to Next.js https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/upgrading/from-vite It mentions some difference of static assets handling.

hi-ogawa commented 1 week ago

Indeed, it seems like this is a fairly narrowly targeted feature just for edge:

hi-ogawa commented 1 week ago

Output in .next/server/app/api/og/route.js

// (rsc)/./app/api/og/route.tsx
const interSemiBold = fetch(
  /* asset import */ new __webpack_require__.U(
      /*! ./Inter-SemiBold.ttf */ "(edge-asset)/./app/api/og/Inter-SemiBold.ttf",
).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer());

// (edge-asset)/./app/api/og/Inter-SemiBold.ttf
module.exports = "blob:Inter-SemiBold.ebaf29e951de4564.ttf"