hiamitbhardwaj / sfdc-web2anything

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Problem running form #17

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
What Salesforce.com Edition are you on?
Developer Edition

What PHP version are you running?
I don't know

What steps will reproduce the problem?

None of the steps gives me problem

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
-a record in a custom object
-error codes that do not identify a specific error

Please provide any additional information below.

$value) { if ($field == 'sObj') { $sObjectName = $value; } else if ($field == 
'retURL') { $retURL = $value; } else if ($field == 'submit') { #null } else if 
($value == '') { #null } else { #split the "type_field" $typesplit = 
strpos($field, '_'); $fieldtype = substr($field, 0, $typesplit); $field = 
substr($field, $typesplit + 1); //"date" and "dateTime" need to be set as 
xs:date or xs:dateTime - http://www.w3schools.com/Schema/schema_dtypes_date.asp 
if ($fieldtype == 'date' || $fieldtype == 'datetime') { //todo: give option to 
select date input format $field = new soapval($field, 'date', $value); 
$FieldList[ '' ] = $field; //checkboxes are posted as "on", "off" and need to 
be changed to TRUE, FALSE } else if ($fieldtype == 'checkbox') { $value == 'on' 
? $value = TRUE : $value = FALSE; $FieldList[ $field ] = $value; } else { 
//just adds the fields and values in the array $FieldList[ $field ] = $value; } 
} } if ($DebugOn == 1) { echo 'Array of fields/values collected from the 
submitted form:'; print_array($FieldList); write_record($FieldList, 
$sObjectName, $retURL); } else { write_record($FieldList, $sObjectName, 
$retURL); } } function write_record($fieldsArray, $sObj, $retURL) { global 
$DebugOn; global $username; global $password; global $security_token; $password 
= $password . $security_token; $wsdl = './php_sforce_nusoap/partner.wsdl'; 
$mySforceConnection = new salesforce($wsdl); $mylogin = $mySforceConnection -> 
login($username, $password); if (!$mylogin) { echo "ERROR connecting to SFDC."; 
print_array($mySforceConnection -> result); } else { $sObject = new 
SObject($sObj, null, $fieldsArray); $create_record = $mySforceConnection -> 
create($sObject); if ($create_record[ 'success' ] == 'true') { //if record is 
created successfully if (( !empty($_FILES[ 'upload_file' ])) && ( $_FILES[ 
'upload_file' ][ 'error' ] == 0)) { //process the attachment (if one) if 
($_FILES[ 'upload_file' ][ 'size' ] > 5242880) { //file too big echo 'Your 
entry has been successfully recorded but the attached file was bigger than 5MB 
and has not been saved.'; } else { //save file locally, then insert to 
salesforce $savetodir = '../uploads/'; $target = $savetodir . basename($_FILES[ 
'upload_file' ][ 'name' ]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES[ 'upload_file' ][ 
'tmp_name' ], $target) or die("ERROR saving attachment, make sure the uploads/ 
directory is writable.");; $handle = fopen($target, 'rb') or die("ERROR opening 
attachment, make sure the uploads/ directory is readable."); $file_content = 
fread($handle, filesize($target)); fclose($handle); $encoded = 
base64_encode($file_content); $attach = new sObject('Attachment', null, 
array('Name' => $_FILES[ 'upload_file' ][ 'name' ], 'ParentId' => 
$create_record[ 'id' ], new soapval('Body', 'base64Binary', $encoded))); 
$create_attachment = $mySforceConnection -> create($attach); if 
($create_attachment[ 'success' ] == 'true') { //if attachment is created in 
SFDC if ($DebugOn == 1) { echo "SFDC Record ID $create_record[id] created 
successfully!"; print_array($create_record); echo "SFDC Attachment ID 
$create_attachment[id] created successfully!"; print_array($create_attachment); 
} else { header("Location: $retURL"); } } else { //couldn't create the 
attachment if ($DebugOn == 1) { echo "SFDC Record ID $create_record[id] created 
successfully"; print_array($create_record); echo "ERROR uploading attachment to 
SFDC, file only saved locally."; } else { header("Location: $retURL"); //todo: 
log an activity to inform record owner the file is only saved on webserver } } 
} } else { //no attachment, confirm only record creation if ($DebugOn == 1) { 
echo "SFDC Record ID $create_record[id] created successfully!"; 
print_array($create_record); } else { header("Location: $retURL"); } } } else { 
//create call not successfull, throw error echo 'ERROR creating the record!'; 
print_array($create_record); } } } function print_array($array) { print('


'); } ?>

Original issue reported on code.google.com by martha.h...@i-solutionsinc.com on 17 Jan 2013 at 6:25