hibiken / asynqmon

Web UI for Asynq task queue
MIT License
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Asynqmon prometheus query fails #287

Open abit2 opened 1 year ago

abit2 commented 1 year ago

What I want to achieve

I would like the metrics that the asynqmon generate to be scrapped by prometheus.


Running asynqmon in kubernetes cluster with net/http

        RootPath:     "/", // RootPath specifies the root for asynqmon app
        RedisConnOpt: rdbClient,


Going to api/metrics, I get the following error

failed to fetch "asynq_tasks_enqueued_total{state=\"archived\",QUEUE_FILTER}": Get "/api/v1/query_range?end=1673346555&query=asynq_tasks_enqueued_total%7Bstate%3D%22archived%22%2C%7D&start=1673342955&step=10": unsupported protocol scheme ""