hibiken / asynqmon

Web UI for Asynq task queue
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WebUI not loading Queues #296

Open jirevwe opened 1 year ago

jirevwe commented 1 year ago

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฟ,

I'm on running asynq: 0.23.0 and asynqmon: 0.7.1 in my production environment and I have been unable to access the Web UI, when this happened in the past running flushall in redis fixed it (got the idea from #149), but I can't afford to do that now as I am storing other things in redis.

What do you think caused this (so I can prevent this from happening in the future) and how can I get it to work without clearing all the keys?

I attached a screenshot of the error. Thanks in advance.

Screenshot from 2023-03-22 17-24-38

netixx commented 9 months ago

I have the same issue, I ran flushall, but it didn't solve my issue either.

MrRobo-t commented 9 months ago

Facing the same issue.. It momentarily shows the active task.. That's all I get.. There is no archive task coming in.. @hibiken Can you please help on this? I have build using the docker image .. I am getting graph for task processed though.. The db is deployed on aws elasticache redis..

netixx commented 9 months ago

I looked at the call graph for the /queues route, and given the error is lua running in redis, my guess is that the issue is in this script:

var memoryUsageCmd = redis.NewScript(`
local sample_size = tonumber(ARGV[2])
if sample_size <= 0 then
    return redis.error_reply("sample size must be a positive number")
local memusg = 0
for i=1,2 do
    local ids = redis.call("LRANGE", KEYS[i], 0, sample_size - 1)
    local sample_total = 0
    if (table.getn(ids) > 0) then
        for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
            local bytes = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", ARGV[1] .. id)
            sample_total = sample_total + bytes
        local n = redis.call("LLEN", KEYS[i])
        local avg = sample_total / table.getn(ids)
        memusg = memusg + (avg * n)
    local m = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", KEYS[i])
    if (m) then
        memusg = memusg + m
for i=3,6 do
    local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", KEYS[i], 0, sample_size - 1)
    local sample_total = 0
    if (table.getn(ids) > 0) then
        for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
            local bytes = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", ARGV[1] .. id)
            sample_total = sample_total + bytes
        local n = redis.call("ZCARD", KEYS[i])
        local avg = sample_total / table.getn(ids)
        memusg = memusg + (avg * n)
    local m = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", KEYS[i])
    if (m) then
        memusg = memusg + m
local groups = redis.call("SMEMBERS", KEYS[7])
if table.getn(groups) > 0 then
    local agg_task_count = 0
    local agg_task_sample_total = 0
    local agg_task_sample_size = 0
    for i, gname in ipairs(groups) do
        local group_key = ARGV[4] .. gname
        agg_task_count = agg_task_count + redis.call("ZCARD", group_key)
        if i <= tonumber(ARGV[3]) then
            local ids = redis.call("ZRANGE", group_key, 0, sample_size - 1)
            for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
                local bytes = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", ARGV[1] .. id)
                agg_task_sample_total = agg_task_sample_total + bytes
                agg_task_sample_size = agg_task_sample_size + 1
    local avg = agg_task_sample_total / agg_task_sample_size
    memusg = memusg + (avg * agg_task_count)
return memusg

Since the issue is the "bytes", then I guess more specifically here:

local bytes = redis.call("MEMORY", "USAGE", ARGV[1] .. id)
            sample_total = sample_total + bytes

running asynqmon v0.7.2 and asynq v0.24.1

This part of the code is asynq code (internal/rdb/inspect.go). All calls to CurrentStats should be impacted as well.

Psuta90 commented 8 months ago

any fix for this issue

Psuta90 commented 8 months ago

i got the same issue

Psuta90 commented 8 months ago

the redis connected but cannot get the queues

Ianmuhia commented 8 months ago

@Psuta90 share logs from the asynqmon server.

Psuta90 commented 8 months ago

@Psuta90 share logs from the asynqmon server.


i try to scheduled task is success in terminal manualjobs is succes but in asynqmon is not showing the queues

in the sidebar server is showing but i click is not working like previous picture

Psuta90 commented 8 months ago
Psuta90 commented 8 months ago

@Psuta90 share logs from the asynqmon server.

"time":"2023-10-13T07:13:46.906285637Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"localhost:3005","method":"GET","uri":"/monitoring/tasks/api/queues/default/active_tasks?page=1&size=100","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","status":500,"error":"","latency":491845,"latency_human":"491.845ยตs","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":23}

wahyudibo commented 8 months ago

I also encountered the same issue. The asynqmon can connect to redis but unable to load queue data. I'm using asynq v0.24.1 and asynqmon v0.7.2. Here's the log from asynqmon

2023/10/26 03:38:00 Failed to collect metrics data: failed to get queue info: UNKNOWN: UNKNOWN: redis eval error: ERR user_script:30: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'bytes' (a boolean value) script: 0c80fc1868e3aae205155ae2017ce995a3a7cec0, on @user_script:30.


wahyudibo commented 8 months ago

Just want to give an update. my asynq and asynqmon setup works now after i run go mod tidy

piavgh commented 8 months ago

Just want to give an update. my asynq and asynqmon setup works now after i run go mod tidy

does not work for me. It looks like v0.24 of asynq is not compatible with the asyncmon web UI v0.7.2