hibiken / asynqmon

Web UI for Asynq task queue
MIT License
650 stars 144 forks source link

Create a formula to installation from Homebrew #70

Open koddr opened 3 years ago

koddr commented 3 years ago


I think, better way to delivery Asynqmon to macOS/Linux users is a regular Homebrew formula. You can place it to the "tap repository" called, for example, hibiken/homebrew-asynqmon (this name of repository is required for Homebrew tap formulas).

OK, our formula in ./Formula/tap.rb is a simple Ruby file with this code:

# ./github.com/hibiken/homebrew-asynqmon/Formula/tap.rb

class Asynqmon < Formula
  desc "Asynqmon is a web based tool for monitoring and administrating Asynq queues and tasks."
  homepage "https://github.com/hibiken/asynqmon"
  version "v0.2.0"
  license "MIT"

  if OS.mac? && Hardware::CPU.intel?
    url "https://github.com/hibiken/asynqmon/releases/download/v0.2.0/asynqmon_v0.2.0_macOS_x86_64.tar.gz"
    sha256 "<HASH>" # <-- checksum hash for this file here

  if OS.mac? && Hardware::CPU.arm?
    url "https://github.com/hibiken/asynqmon/releases/download/v0.2.0/asynqmon_v0.2.0_macOS_arm64.tar.gz"
    sha256 "<HASH>" # <-- checksum hash for this file here

  if OS.linux? && Hardware::CPU.intel?
    url "https://github.com/hibiken/asynqmon/releases/download/v0.2.0/asynqmon_v0.2.0_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"
    sha256 "<HASH>" # <-- checksum hash for this file here

  def install
    bin.install "asynqmon"

  test do
    system "#{bin}/asynqmon", "--help"

  def caveats; <<~EOS
    Asynqmon server needs to connect to Redis server to serve data.

    To start a default server, run `asynqmon` and open http://localhost:8080
    To see all available flags, run `asynqmon --help` command.

☝️ Please note, this example for v0.2.0 version and without checksum hashes for each tar.gz file.

Next steps:

And we're ready! Just tap a new formula:

brew tap hibiken/asynqmon

And install Asynqmon as regular Homebrew bottle:

brew install hibiken/asynqmon/tap

That's it! 🎉

Then you just need to update this formula file with new checksum hashes and versions after a new Asynqmon release.

Yes, you can simplify this process by using the solution from GoReleaser, but I think that it would be faster.

What do you think about all of this @hibiken ?

hibiken commented 3 years ago

@koddr Thanks for the suggestion! Anything that makes this tool more accessible to more developers is welcome. I think we should definitely support installing the tool via homebrew. I'll look into it 👍