hibiki31 / virty

Web interface of Libvirt-API for easy deployment.
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Passing -1 to the common query limit in the API results in an error #115

Open hibiki31 opened 1 week ago

hibiki31 commented 1 week ago
api-1     | [SQL: SELECT storages.uuid AS storages_uuid, storages.name AS storages_name, storages.node_name AS storages_node_name, storages.capacity AS storages_capacity, storages.available AS storages_available, storages.path AS storages_path, storages.active AS storages_active, storages.auto_start AS storages_auto_start, storages.status AS storages_status, storages.update_token AS storages_update_token, image_sum.sum_capacity AS image_sum_sum_capacity, image_sum.sum_allocation AS image_sum_sum_allocation
api-1     | FROM storages LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT images.storage_uuid AS storage_uuid, sum(images.capacity) AS sum_capacity, sum(images.allocation) AS sum_allocation
api-1     | FROM images GROUP BY images.storage_uuid) AS image_sum ON storages.uuid = image_sum.storage_uuid ORDER BY storages.node_name, storages.name
api-1     |  LIMIT %(param_1)s OFFSET %(param_2)s]
api-1     | [parameters: {'param_1': -1, 'param_2': 0}]
api-1     | (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/20/9h9h)