hibiyasleep / OverlayPlugin

no longer (or couldn't be) maintained - please usr fork of ngld's one.
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Load order #37

Open ArkfrostLumas opened 5 years ago

ArkfrostLumas commented 5 years ago

Hello there,

I've run into a problem that has been grinding my gears for several hours and for the last few months. I've made a reddit thread about this topic a few hours ago:


I have found a solution for this problem though, which I believe you should mention on the Readme/the main page for the OverlayPlugin, since it is a problem with OverlayPlugin. The solution to this problem, as mentioned in the Reddit Thread is, that OverlayPlugin.dll must always be loaded after FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll.

To do that, people who have the plugin from Ravahn installed already should remove the FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll, then install the OverlayPlugin.dll and then install the FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll again, so it is above the OverlayPlugin.dll :)

Kind regards, Lumas

hibiyasleep commented 5 years ago

thanks for informing, however, OverlayPlugin going to deprecate since I (and other C# devs) can't keep up with this codebase and structure. there's some replacements, like ACTWebSocket+OverlayProcess, unreleased Aliapoh.Overlay.

ArkfrostLumas commented 5 years ago

Oh, I'm gonna have to ping @quisquous about this then, since his whole Cactbot Raiding Overlay plugin relies on OverlayPlugin o_o

quisquous commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. What is Kagerou going to change to depending on? Most of the reason that cactbot depends on OverlayPlugin is because it's widely used.

Re: the original issue, I have never had to do that. I've always had the FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll below OverlayPlugin.dll, for what it's worth.

hibiyasleep commented 5 years ago

dependency of kagerou will not be changed, since kagerou isn't implemented only for OverlayPlugin. kagerou will run anywhere with it's compatible environment even on normal browser. (for example - idyllshi.re/dps is connected to my home PC.)