hibiyasleep / kagerou

ACT-FF14 OverlayPlugin Skin - Modern, easily configurable, always up-to-date.
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Failed to Load on ACT #166

Closed ArtemasAD closed 3 years ago

ArtemasAD commented 3 years ago

When I'm loading up ACT, I'm getting Failed to Load screen. Not sure if recent computer crash caused any kind of corruption or not, but I have re-downloaded Overplayplugin.dll but to no avail. I've also double check firewall to make sure nothing is block, but as far as I know, nothing has changed.

Here are the errors from the ACT log. I hope any of these make sense.

[5/18/2021 11:49:39 AM] Info: Kagerou: BrowserConsole: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : (Source: https://hibiyasleep.github.io/kagerou/share/lib/util.js?v=Deprived-World-3, Line: 2) [5/18/2021 11:49:39 AM] Info: Kagerou: BrowserConsole: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined (Source: https://hibiyasleep.github.io/kagerou/overlay/lib/ui.js?v=Deprived-World-3, Line: 301) [5/18/2021 11:49:39 AM] Info: Kagerou: BrowserConsole: Uncaught ReferenceError: updateObject is not defined (Source: https://hibiyasleep.github.io/kagerou/share/lib/config.js?v=Deprived-World-3, Line: 607) [5/18/2021 11:49:39 AM] Info: Kagerou: BrowserConsole: Uncaught ReferenceError: $map is not defined (Source: https://cdn.ravenjs.com/3.17.0/raven.min.js, Line: 2) [5/18/2021 11:49:39 AM] Info: Kagerou: BrowserConsole: Uncaught ReferenceError: resolveDotIndex is not defined (Source: https://cdn.ravenjs.com/3.17.0/raven.min.js, Line: 2)