hibiyasleep / kagerou

ACT-FF14 OverlayPlugin Skin - Modern, easily configurable, always up-to-date.
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Could you add Effective Healing and Damaged Barrier stats? "Effective Healing %", "Effective Healing Per Second", #191

Open JaneSmith opened 2 years ago

JaneSmith commented 2 years ago

Hey there. I've been comparing different parser overlays, and the one I keep coming back to is Kagerou. The UI you've put together is just awesome and beats everything else. Kagerou looks so clean and easy on the eyes. I love it.

But some of the other ones (MopiMopi and Ember) support some extra information that Kagerou seems to be missing:

I'd also like to be able to sort by "Effective Healing %".

Would it be possible for you to add these to Kagerou? Thanks!

Sundava commented 2 years ago

I've created a draft PR, but I can't test it in-game right now and I'm not really confident about the Effective Barrier Total (Especially how it interacts with shields that weren't consumed)
If you want, you can use https://sundava.github.io/kagerou/overlay/ as an URL to test it, I'd be grateful to know if it a 1000 shield that absorbed 300 damage is counted as a 300 or 1000 absorb.

Otherwise, I'll test it somewhere during the weekend and mark the PR as ready