hibobmaster / matrix_chatgpt_bot

A simple matrix bot that supports image generation and chatting using ChatGPT, Langchain
MIT License
75 stars 13 forks source link

Please provide support for the DALL-E 3 model #46

Closed mwnu closed 2 months ago

mwnu commented 2 months ago

In cofig.jion:

"image_generation_endpoint": "https://xxxxxxx/v1/images/generations",
"image_generation_backend": "openai",
"image_generation_size": "1024x1024",
"image_format": "webp",

Then use "!pic" to draw a picture, image generation failed. Errors were identified form my image_generation_endpoint:

Exception: 503 Service Unavailable {"error":{"message":"当前分组 home 下对于模型 dall-e 无可用渠道 (request id: 20240424153239939302215CLQ69cNy)","type":"new_api_error"}}

The model names should be dall-e-3 or dall-e-2 (which will be deprecated), not dall-e. Even though I manually added dall-e, I ultimately got redirected to dall-e-2. I hope to specify the model type directly in the configuration.

hibobmaster commented 2 months ago

With https://github.com/hibobmaster/matrix_chatgpt_bot/commit/9288f9aef80c3909511634e197003af45befd672, the model used for image generation has been changed todall-e-3 according to https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/images/create

Please test it by using image: hibobmaster/matrixchatgptbot:sha-9288f9aef80c3909511634e197003af45befd672

mwnu commented 2 months ago

With 9288f9a, the model used for image generation has been changed todall-e-3 according to https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/images/create

Please test it by using image: hibobmaster/matrixchatgptbot:sha-9288f9aef80c3909511634e197003af45befd672

Thank you for the update. It shows as DALL-E-3. Please push it to "latest" later.

hibobmaster commented 2 months ago
