hickerson / bbn

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis modernized code in C++
MIT License
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Fierz terms in Beta decays. #1

Open hickerson opened 10 years ago

hickerson commented 10 years ago

In the code, the following reactions are beta decays

//10--------SET DECAY RATE COEFFICIENTS------------------------------------------
//.......H3 -> e- + v + He3.........(Tilly-Weller-Hasan 1987)
f[2] = 1.79e-9f;
//.......Li8 -> e- + v + 2He4.......(Ajzenberg-Selove 1988)
f[3] = 8.27e-1f;
//.......B12 -> e- + B + C12........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1990)
f[4] = 3.43e+1f;
//.......C14 -> e- + v + N14........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1986)
f[5] = 3.834e-12f;
//.......B8 -> e+ + v + 2He4........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1988)
f[6] = 9.00e-1f;
//.......C11 -> e+ + v + B11........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1990)
f[7] = 5.668e-4f;
//.......N12 -> e+ + v + C12........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1990)
f[8] = 6.301e+1f;
//.......N13 -> e+ + v + C13........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1986)
f[9] = 1.159e-3f;
//.......O14 -> e+ + v + N14........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1986)
f[10] = 9.8171e-3f;
//.......O15 -> e+ + v + N15........(Ajzenberg-Selove 1986)
f[11] = 5.6704e-3f;

At some point, the type of decay (Fermi or Gamow-Teller) should be considered so that a Fierz term for each can be included.