hicknhack-software / redmine_time_tracker

A time tracker plugin for Redmine
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Broken Times #187

Closed xstable closed 9 years ago

xstable commented 9 years ago

If I go to Timetracker and change a Tracked Time (say 1 hour) with the pencil-Icon to be 0.45 hour, the rest of the hour (15 minutes) appear on upper Table as unsignd Time.

But there is no way to delete this time! If I click on the Trash-Button, I got a message like: Time recording can not be deleted as long term bookings exist for this!

mstarke commented 9 years ago

That's "by design". What you do is track time chunks - in your case 1h. You then booked your full 1h, after editing you just used 45m of it and the remaining 15m did appear. You can now book those too, as the concept is you only track time you actually used on a task. The idea is to use the tracker as a stopwatch and the booking to assign those spent hours to actual task. When you try to delete the tracked time, you aked to delete the whole 1h but there are - as the error says - 45m booked and not to be deleted. What you can do is: a) ignore the 15m as they aren't booked (and thus unbillable) b) edit the 1h time tracking to reflect the changes you made in the booking to fully "use" the tracked time up in one booking

mstarke commented 9 years ago

Your workflow nonetheless is a common one and we have identified this as well. To offer a solution for this we did came up with a task that cleans all the unbooked time and adjusted the tracker to the actual bookings. But this feature is not implemented yet as there are some edge cases to be solved.

xstable commented 9 years ago

Hope to got this feature soon. BTW: This feature don't are logical. To be logical think about this: If I edit the remaining-Time above, it is not concat to the Project or Task which I've locked. In this way it is useless to keep the tracked time, cause if you have 20 Projects and have 10 times a remaining time of a task, you never will figured out. which remaind time was on which project.

Hope I explain this in a good way... you know what I mean?

mstarke commented 9 years ago

I know what you mean but you have to stop connection time and project. And of course after a longer time you cannot find out what time you used to do what. But it's a nice thing the other way round: If you delete a booking, your time becomes "free" again and you can re-book it accordingly. If we would just delete it, your actual time get's lost too. This is more designed with normal employees in mind. They can start the time tracker when they come to work and start/stop as they do task or they just start/stop once a day and then book to various tickets and projects. Still. We need to re-evaluate the whole process if we find the time and streamline stuff that was over or under-designed.