hicknhack-software / redmine_time_tracker

A time tracker plugin for Redmine
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can't ever stop running timer - divided by 0 #94

Closed cforce closed 11 years ago

cforce commented 11 years ago

I have started a timer for a task and now i see in task and top menu the "stop button" and when i click on it i get a "divided by 0" banner in ui and no errors on log

Using redmine 2.3.2 , Ruby 2 and plugins latest version.

jume-dev commented 11 years ago

Can't reproduce it, everything working fine here. Please check if your db is on the latest migration. If possible try debug the application to trace down the line which gets you the error. Should be in the time trackers controller, stop action.

If you cant debug it, you need to give me more informations. I need to know time settings of redmine and the user. Also the permission of the user and the excact steps what you did.

Oh, and before you do this, please try it in a fresh redmine installation to check if the cause is your db.

jume-dev commented 11 years ago

As i can't reproduce it, i assume it was an installation error until you provide further informations.

cforce commented 11 years ago

I got this running process away by stopping via Stop button in issue form, but now i started another timer for another issue and again i can't stopm it. The message now is on from "Booking could not be added!", but no error on console

Started GET "/time_trackers/stop" for at 2013-08-16 14:07:50 +0200 Processing by TimeTrackersController#stop as HTML Current user: 00001276 (id=3) Redirected to https://dev-infomine.entwicklung.priv/issues/7862 Completed 302 Found in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 5.1ms) Started GET "/issues/7862" for at 2013-08-16 14:07:50 +0200

cforce commented 11 years ago

Please reopen and helo me to debug, dunno what to do to find this error! Why is there obviously an error but not detailed error message ????

cforce commented 11 years ago

I recreated the table and its works now..