hiddentao / squel

:office: SQL query string builder for Javascript
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Auto-quote names not working with Postgres #6

Closed dankohn closed 11 years ago

dankohn commented 11 years ago

The quote escaping necessary to make Squel work with Postgres is more painful then just writing pure SQL. I see you discussed auto-quote https://github.com/hiddentao/squel/issues/1#issuecomment-3630815, but the implementation doesn't seem to work. Instead, I needed to manually quote every field and table name to avoid an error. And, I still wasn't able to get a WHERE clause to work at all.

My apologies if I'm missing something obvious, but Squel doesn't seem usable with Postgres at the current time.

var squel = require("squel")
  , config = require(__dirname + "/config/config.js")
  , pg = require('pg')
  , conString = "postgres://" + config.username + ":" + (config.password || "") + "@" + config.host + ":" + config.port + "/" + config.database

console.log (conString)

var squelQuery = squel.select({usingPlaceholderValues: true})
  .left_join('"Products"', null, '"Variants"."ProductId" = "Products"."id"')
  .left_join('"Categories"', null, '"Products"."CategoryId" = "Categories"."id"')
  .left_join('"Brands"', null, '"Products"."BrandId" = "Brands"."id"')
  .left_join('"Partners"', null, '"Brands"."PartnerId" = "Brands"."PartnerId"')
  // .where("`Variants`.`childSku` = 'puma-1234-red-large'")


pg.connect(conString, function(err, client) {
  console.log ("connect error:",err)
  client.query(squelQuery, function(err, result) {
    console.log ("query error:",err);
    pg.end(); //terminate the client pool, disconnecting all clients
hiddentao commented 11 years ago

usingValuePlaceholders really only applies when using parameterized values for certain DB engines. For instance when doing an insert you would construct the query as:

squel.insert({ usingValuePlaceholders: true }).into('table').set('field', '?')

// INSERT INTO table (field) VALUES(?)

You would then use your db engine's preferred querying method to replace the ? parameter with an actual value.

hiddentao commented 11 years ago

As for why squel doesn't automatically quote table names and field names it's as I mentioned in a comment: squel needs to be able to support the following:

squel.select().from("db1.table1").field("DATE_FORMAT(db1.table1.when, '%Y-%M-%D')", "Start date")

But I take your and bminer's point that it would be useful to have an option which turns on auto-quoting when you want it. I'll see if I can do that as part of #1.

hiddentao commented 11 years ago

As for the WHERE clause generation not working in your above code I ran it myself against squel 1.0.5 and got the following output:

SELECT "color", "size", "childSku", "Variants"."updatedAt", "listPriceCents", "salePriceCents", "ProductId", "Products"."parentSku", "Products"."title", "Products"."description", "Products"."CategoryId", "Categories"."name", "Categories"."description", "Products"."BrandId", "Brands"."name", "Brands"."description", "Brands"."PartnerId", "Partners"."name" FROM "Variants" LEFT JOIN "Products" ON ("Variants"."ProductId" = "Products"."id") LEFT JOIN "Categories" ON ("Products"."CategoryId" = "Categories"."id") LEFT JOIN "Brands" ON ("Products"."BrandId" = "Brands"."id") LEFT JOIN "Partners" ON ("Brands"."PartnerId" = "Brands"."PartnerId") WHERE (`Variants`.`childSku` = 'puma-1234-red-large')
hiddentao commented 11 years ago

Version 1.0.6 has two new options:

autoQuoteTableNames autoQuoteFieldNames

Note: you will still need to add your own quotes around names inside where clauses, etc.

hiddentao commented 11 years ago

Am considering this done for now.

dankohn commented 11 years ago

Yep, thanks for resolving!