hiddify / hiddify-next

Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free.
12.66k stars 1.17k forks source link

VPN/VPN Service modes aren't working #950

Open Albert753258 opened 3 weeks ago

Albert753258 commented 3 weeks ago

Search first

What Happened?

Vpn mode isn't working image

Minimal Reproducible Example (MRE)

In hiddify next choose "vpn" or "vpn service" service mode 317856010-5f1e04d4-c033-4e4b-93aa-6f15cc2292e1

Press connect button

Expected Behavior

VPN service mode is working fine





Additional Context


Application Config Options

No response

Relevant log output

albert@gentoo ~/Downloads $ sudo ./Hiddify-Linux-x64.AppImage 
flutter: 12:56:05.410954 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [directories]
flutter: 12:56:05.415925 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] [directories] initialized in 4ms
flutter: 12:56:05.416001 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [app info]
flutter: 12:56:05.421973 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] [app info] initialized in 5ms
flutter: 12:56:05.422017 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [preferences]
flutter: 12:56:05.422060 [DEBUG]    [preferences] initializing preferences
flutter: 12:56:05.422428 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] [preferences] initialized in 0ms
flutter: 12:56:05.422570 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [preferences migration]
flutter: 12:56:05.422612 [DEBUG]    [PreferencesMigration] already using the latest version (v1)
flutter: 12:56:05.422634 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] [preferences migration] initialized in 0ms
flutter: 12:56:05.422794 [DEBUG]    [PreferencesEntry<bool, dynamic>] getting persisted preference [debug_mode](bool)
flutter: 12:56:05.422819 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [window controller]
flutter: 12:56:05.426354 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] [window controller] initialized in 3ms
flutter: 12:56:05.426490 [DEBUG]    [PreferencesEntry<bool, bool>] getting persisted preference [silent_start](bool)
flutter: 12:56:05.426555 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] silent start [Disabled]
flutter: 12:56:05.430358 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [auto start service]
flutter: 12:56:05.430605 [INFO]     [AutoStartNotifier] auto start is [Disabled]
flutter: 12:56:05.430662 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] [auto start service] initialized in 0ms
flutter: 12:56:05.430675 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [logs repository]
flutter: 12:56:05.431534 [DEBUG]    [bootstrap] [logs repository] initialized in 0ms
flutter: 12:56:05.431606 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [logger controller]
flutter: 12:56:05.431646 [INFO]     [bootstrap] hiddify v1.0.0 (10000) [prod]
general release
linux [Linux 6.2.9-lqx1 #13 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun Mar 17 17:16:40 MSK 2024]
flutter: 12:56:05.431680 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [geo assets repository]
flutter: 12:56:05.433400 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [profile repository]
flutter: 12:56:05.433609 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [active profile]
flutter: 12:56:05.455037 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [deep link service]
flutter: 12:56:05.455160 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [sing-box]
flutter: 12:56:05.455199 [INFO]     [bootstrap] initializing [system tray]
flutter: 12:56:05.467468 [INFO]     [ConnectionNotifier] connection status: DISCONNECTED
flutter: 12:56:05.477623 [INFO]     [bootstrap] bootstrap took [69ms]
flutter: 12:56:13.192208 [INFO]     [ConnectionRepositoryImpl] config options: {
  "execute-config-as-is": false,
  "log-level": "warn",
  "resolve-destination": false,
  "ipv6-mode": "prefer_ipv4",
  "remote-dns-address": "udp://",
  "remote-dns-domain-strategy": "",
  "direct-dns-address": "",
  "direct-dns-domain-strategy": "",
  "mixed-port": 2334,
  "local-dns-port": 6450,
  "tun-implementation": "mixed",
  "mtu": 9000,
  "strict-route": true,
  "connection-test-url": "http://cp.cloudflare.com/",
  "url-test-interval": 600,
  "enable-clash-api": true,
  "clash-api-port": 6756,
  "enable-tun": true,
  "enable-tun-service": false,
  "set-system-proxy": false,
  "bypass-lan": false,
  "allow-connection-from-lan": false,
  "enable-fake-dns": false,
  "enable-dns-routing": true,
  "independent-dns-cache": true,
  "geoip-path": "geo-assets/sagernet-sing-geoip-geoip.db",
  "geosite-path": "geo-assets/sagernet-sing-geosite-geosite.db",
  "rules": [
      "domains": "domain:.ru",
      "ip": "geoip:ru",
      "port": null,
      "protocol": null,
      "network": "",
      "outbound": "bypass"
  "mux": {
    "enable": false,
    "padding": false,
    "max-streams": 8,
    "protocol": "h2mux"
  "tls-tricks": {
    "enable-fragment": false,
    "fragment-size": "1-500",
    "fragment-sleep": "0-500",
    "mixed-sni-case": false,
    "enable-padding": false,
    "padding-size": "1-1500"
  "warp": {
    "enable": false,
    "mode": "proxy_over_warp",
    "wireguard-config": "",
    "license-key": "",
    "account-id": "",
    "access-token": "",
    "clean-ip": "auto",
    "clean-port": 0,
    "noise": "5-10",
    "noise-delay": "20-200"
Memory Limit: false
INFO CORE Starting
INFO CORE Starting1111
INFO CORE Starting2
INFO CORE Starting3
flutter: 12:56:13.481140 [INFO]     [ConnectionNotifier] connection status: CONNECTING
INFO CORE Starting4
  "outbounds": [
      "type": "vless",
      "tag": "na0pirqt § 0",
      "server": "",
      "server_port": 443,
      "uuid": "6686eef5-d98b-4940-8e3f-d989a401b4db",
      "flow": "xtls-rprx-vision",
      "tls": {
        "enabled": true,
        "server_name": "www.samsung.com",
        "utls": {
          "enabled": true,
          "fingerprint": "firefox"
        "reality": {
          "enabled": true,
          "public_key": "V6dOzkbk1q8ye9gcnJDZcFCuV2l7Ipn2ANFzrSURjV0",
          "short_id": "fdca7893"
      "packet_encoding": ""
INFO CORE Building config
config options: {LogLevel:warn EnableClashApi:true ClashApiPort:6756 GeoIPPath:geo-assets/sagernet-sing-geoip-geoip.db GeoSitePath:geo-assets/sagernet-sing-geosite-geosite.db Rules:[{Domains:domain:.ru IP:geoip:ru Port: Network: Protocol: Outbound:bypass}] Warp:{EnableWarp:false Mode:proxy_over_warp WireguardConfigStr: WireguardConfig:{PrivateKey: LocalAddressIPv4: LocalAddressIPv6: PeerPublicKey:} FakePackets:5-10 FakePacketSize: FakePacketDelay:20-200 CleanIP:auto CleanPort:0 Account:{AccountID: AccessToken:}} Mux:{Enable:false Padding:false MaxStreams:8 Protocol:h2mux} TLSTricks:{EnableFragment:false FragmentSize:1-500 FragmentSleep:0-500 MixedSNICase:false EnablePadding:false PaddingSize:1-1500} DNSOptions:{RemoteDnsAddress:udp:// RemoteDnsDomainStrategy:0 DirectDnsAddress: DirectDnsDomainStrategy:0 IndependentDNSCache:true EnableFakeDNS:false EnableDNSRouting:true} InboundOptions:{EnableTun:true EnableTunService:false SetSystemProxy:false MixedPort:2334 LocalDnsPort:6450 MTU:9000 StrictRoute:true TUNStack:mixed TProxyPort:0} URLTestOptions:{ConnectionTestUrl:http://cp.cloudflare.com/ URLTestInterval:600 URLTestIdleTimeout:0} RouteOptions:{ResolveDestination:false IPv6Mode:1 BypassLAN:false AllowConnectionFromLAN:false}}
opt.Warp={EnableWarp:false Mode:proxy_over_warp WireguardConfigStr: WireguardConfig:{PrivateKey: LocalAddressIPv4: LocalAddressIPv6: PeerPublicKey:} FakePackets:5-10 FakePacketSize: FakePacketDelay:20-200 CleanIP:auto CleanPort:0 Account:{AccountID: AccessToken:}}
INFO CORE Saving Contnet
Saving config to /root/.local/share/app.hiddify.com/current-config.json <nil>
INFO CORE Starting Command Server
INFO CORE Stating Service 
INFO CORE Service.. started
FATAL CORE initialize inbound/tun[tun-in]: configure tun interface: add rule 2/9: address family not supported by protocol
INFO CORE STOPPED: START_SERVICE initialize inbound/tun[tun-in]: configure tun interface: add rule 2/9: address family not supported by protocol
INFO CORE STOPPED: UNEXPECTED_ERROR initialize inbound/tun[tun-in]: configure tun interface: add rule 2/9: address family not supported by protocol
flutter: 12:56:13.712406 [INFO]     [ConnectionNotifier] connection status: DISCONNECTED
ERROR[0000] initialize inbound/tun[tun-in]: configure tun interface: add rule 2/9: address family not supported by protocol
flutter: 12:56:13.712532 [INFO]     [ConnectionNotifier] connection status: DISCONNECTED
flutter: 12:56:13.712582 [INFO]     [ConnectionNotifier] connection status: DISCONNECTED
flutter: 12:56:13.712726 [WARNING]  [ConnectionNotifier] error connecting
flutter: 12:56:13.712749 [WARNING]  [ConnectionNotifier] ConnectionFailure.unexpected(error: initialize inbound/tun[tun-in]: configure tun interface: add rule 2/9: address family not supported by protocol, stackTrace: null)
flutter: 12:56:13.718571 [WARNING]  [SystemTrayNotifier] error getting connection status

Are you willing to submit a PR? If you know how to fix the bug.

arsalanrez commented 1 week ago

vpn service is not proxy all system in version 1.4.0

OS = arch linux Desktop = plasma 6.0