hideaki-j / convsrch_literature_survey

Conversational search literature survey
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Learn to Resolve Conversational Dependency: A Consistency Training Framework for Conversational Question Answering (ACL21) #3

Open hideaki-j opened 2 years ago

hideaki-j commented 2 years ago

Learn to Resolve Conversational Dependency: A Consistency Training Framework for Conversational Question Answering

Contribution summary


Gangwoo Kim, Hyunjae Kim, Jungsoo Park, and Jaewoo Kang (Korea University)


Two types of existing methods: (1) end-to-end and (2) QR-based pipelined model.


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Results / Insight

hideaki-j commented 2 years ago


In introduction, they claimd that

EXCORD significantly improves the QA models’ performance by up to ... 5.2 F1 on CANARD.

However, when compared to the "pipeline" (i.e., QR+QA) model, which is also should be the baseline model, then the performance improvement is only +0.4.

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hideaki-j commented 2 years ago

Related reference