hideaki-j / convsrch_literature_survey

Conversational search literature survey
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🚧 BERT with History Answer Embedding for Conversational Question Answering (SIGIR19) #4

Open hideaki-j opened 2 years ago

hideaki-j commented 2 years ago

BERT with History Answer Embedding for Conversational Question Answering

Contribution summary

[Author] did [Method] to solve [Motivation] and found [Insight]


Chen Qu1, Liu Yang1, Minghui Qiu2, W. Bruce Croft1, Yongfeng Zhang3, Mohit Iyyer1 (1University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2Alibaba Group, 3Rutgers University)


Existing method is/has/uses ...


Proposed method is/has/uses ...

Results / Insight

hideaki-j commented 2 years ago
