hideakitai / MPU9250

Arduino library for MPU9250 Nine-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer + Compass) MEMS MotionTracking™ Device
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Roll and Pitch affect the Yaw #80

Closed yarikpetrenko closed 2 years ago

yarikpetrenko commented 2 years ago

After calibration i got heading very near that my iphone says. But when i pitch it's effect very strongly on the Yaw. Also one strange thing that when heading 180 (South) it doe's not effect but in other scenarios it does.

EDIT: After some testes i found that:

When it's south it's compensate +Pitch when -Pitch effects on the heading. (Roll also effects) When it's -90 it's compensate +Roll when -Roll effects on the heading. (Pitch also effects) When it's 0(North) it's compensate -Pitch when +Pitch effects on the heading. (Roll also effects) When it's 90 it's compensate -Roll when -+Roll effects on the heading. (Pitch also effects)

Seems like compensation vectors swapped places...? But when it's 0 pitch and roll i getting correct heading so strange.

EDIT2: The Magnetic Declination is set and also i located in the Northern Hemisphere can in effect on the values maybe it's work correctly only in the Southern Hemisphere...;)

EDIT3: I tried this code: https://www.instructables.com/Tilt-Compensated-Compass/. And it's compensate as expected... I'm trying to figure out why and how.

That is (Mag x, Mag y, Mag z, Mag_pitch, Mag_roll, Heading) from that link code image And it's mine. I use row mag values and for Mag_pitch, Mag_roll it's as it was in sketch from that link image So what i'm getting image It was in one place and I use 1 calibration values for mag. From that 2 two photos i see that row mag values different it's so strange.

hideakitai commented 2 years ago

Gimbal lock or calibration is not enough. Please refer https://github.com/hideakitai/MPU9250/issues/69#issuecomment-948356416

abhijitmajumdar commented 2 years ago

Not a solution, but this worked for me (with a tradeoff), so maybe this works with your use case.

I had the same issue when using this library. Following through the comments here and https://github.com/hideakitai/MPU9250/issues/69#issuecomment-948356416, specifically as @hideakitai mentions,

I don't know if this is truly MPU-9250, but I can't support it if it isn't (not compatible with MPU-9250)

I realized I was indeed interfacing with a MPU-9265 (not sure of the differences, maybe a knockoff?). That said, I was able to resolve my issue by simply switching the filter to MAHONY (following instructions from https://github.com/hideakitai/MPU9250#quaternion-filter)

MPU9250 mpu;

void setup() {
  if (!mpu.setup(0x68)){
    Serial.println("Could not initialize MPU");

Caveat: Switching to the MAHONY filter introduced observable drift (~0.8deg/s) in yaw (not so much in roll nor pitch). This might probably be because of bad calibration, but reverting back to the MADGWICK filter did not drift as much

yarikpetrenko commented 2 years ago

@abhijitmajumdar @hideakitai Thanks for yours answers. Unfortunately because of war (I'm from Ukraine) i can't now test it. But i hope very soon i will test everything and give some information and researchings.

hideakitai commented 2 years ago

May peace be upon us all soon!

yarikpetrenko commented 2 years ago

Hello, sorry for late reply. @abhijitmajumdar your trick works but also with yaw draft. @hideakitai Today after about 30 different calibrations i found that everything works fine when i give roll 90 deg or more. It's looks like gimbal lock issue. So in position that i need it not compensate yaw with roll and pitch. But when I flip it upside down it works just fine. The problem is I don't understand how can I calibrate it properly with out this lock. I was looking at yours link about gimbal lock and other resources and there is nothing about solving it. Any ideas?

yarikpetrenko commented 2 years ago

Hello. I resolve my problem. The reason is that calibration is not enough. But problem is there is a small amount information about proper calibration. I found that tutorial and it worked! Paper based on HMC5883L magnetometer module, but it's not a problem. All you need pass row mag data to serial. There is a tool inside this tutorial calls MagViewer. You can just pass you raw mag data and check calibration. I saw that my sphere are not sphere at all and also it's a bit not in center. That was the reason why i'm getting this affect from roll and pitch.

So before calibration I set filter to NONE and set my Declination that it.


After it you only need to log your mag data to serial with 9600 rate.




Do every thing like paper says and you will get your matrix and bias. Mine was like this.


Bias it's simple bias, you set it like this

mpu.setMagBias(472.602, 512.183, -836.117);

And your matrix. I don't know maybe it's bad conversion and that is not correct but it worked for me.

I add values M11 + M12 + M13 = ScaleX M21 + M22 + M23 = ScaleY M31 + M32 + M33 = ScaleZ

In my case it was 2.523, 2.301, 2.22. And it's was perfectly fine. But all calibration (build-in and others) return scale like 1.f not 2.f so I divide my values by 2 and got 1.2615, 1.1505, 1.11. And it's seems works the same.

After all check inside MagViewer and I see almost perfect sphear. And it was very small offset on z axis. So i manually edit the value just subtract like 30 and now sphear at (0;0).

After all enable MADGWICK filter and it's works like expected. Tilt affect about 1-2 degress for 180 angle tilt. I think if manually edit few values it will be like perfect.

I don't know why but built-in calibrations doesn't works for me properly. Actually maybe I do something wrong, as I said there is small amount information about it. My problem resolved and this issue closed. If anyone having any problem with calibration, fell free to ask.