hideo55 / Module-Build-XSUtil

A Module::Build class for building XS modules
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Failing to build on FreeBSD due to dependency problem #13

Closed jkeenan closed 6 years ago

jkeenan commented 6 years ago

CPAN distribution Module-Build-XSUtil is not currently installable via installer programs such as the 'cpan' shell on FreeBSD and other operating systems.

The problem is not in the distribution itself but in one of its dependencies. This distribution has a dependency on File-Copy-Recursive (FCR), whose current version (0.40 as of Apr 17 2018) has an unfixed bug (https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123964) leading to test failures and failure to install. Unless a user chooses to '--force' install FCR, that prevents libraries such as yours which import FCR functions from successfully installing.

Some of the CPAN distributions which are failing due to this problem in FCR are important parts of the Perl 5 toolchain. As we approach the release of perl-5.28.0 in mid-May, it is important to be able to assess the impact of changes in the Perl 5 core distribution upon the 30,000-plus libraries on CPAN -- and to do so on various operating systems. That cannot be done effectively if parts of the Perl 5 toolchain are themselves broken.

To address this problem I have released a new distribution to CPAN: File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced (FCR2) (http://search.cpan.org/dist/File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced/). As of this date, FCR2 (version 0.002 or higher) exports two functions, fcopy() and dircopy(). You should be able to use these functions as drop-in replacements in places in your distribution where you are currently using the FCR functions of the same name.

A pull request will be forthcoming shortly. I encourage you to thoroughly test this pull request and, once you are satisfied, issue a new CPAN release of your distribution. This will enable people to once again install it on FreeBSD and other non-Linux operating systems. It will also enable us to assess perl-5.28's possible impact on your distribution.

Thank you very much. Jim Keenan