hiebj / stately

elegant, type-safe state management
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release.sh: release commit containing version bump and changelog #20

Closed hiebj closed 6 years ago

hiebj commented 6 years ago

Each module should have a changelog file that enumerates the commits in a given release. When the release script is used, it should append the commits to a CHANGELOG.md file in the current directory.

Currently, the release script bumps the package version using npm version, but does not automatically create a version bump commit. The script should be modified to create such a commit (with the message: package-name@new-version), and the commit should also contain the changelog update.

When determining the commits to add to the changelog, the script should include all commits up to, but excluding, the last "release commit".

This change should be introduced as part of the 1.0.0 release for all 3 modules; the initial changelog should contain all commits that have been added thus far.

hiebj commented 6 years ago

could use shelljs and simple-git

hiebj commented 6 years ago

release commit added to release.sh; changelog will be added with lerna-changelog and CI integration