Closed hiendv closed 7 years ago
It is my fault. I will refactor tests later today. Maybe, we can import path from icon file:
const icon = require('./lib/icons/alert');
const path =['path'];
or I should create separatly file, that contains all paths? I need your advice, @hiendv :thinking:
No, please don't take it seriously. It's none of your faults. I'm the one who asked for help and you did a great job writing these tests :smile: Anyway, here is my solution.
"alert": {
"keywords": ["warning", "triangle", "exclamation", "point"],
"path": "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M8.865 1.52c-.18-.31-.51-.5-.87-.5s-.69.19-.87.5L.275 13.5c-.18.31-.18.69 0 1 . 0 .69-.19.86-.5.17-.31.18-.69.01-1L8.865 1.52zM8.995 13h-2v-2h2v2zm0-3h-2V6h2v4z\"/>",
"height": "16",
"width": "16"
"arrow-down": {
"keywords": ["point", "direction"],
"path": "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M7 7V3H3v4H0l5 6 5-6z\"/>",
"height": "16",
"width": "10"
"arrow-left": {
"keywords": ["point", "direction"],
"path": "<path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M6 3L0 8l6 5v-3h4V6H6z\"/>",
"height": "16",
"width": "10"
// ...
// we could reexport the original data or
// we could change a little bit like this
const octicons = require('octicons/build/data')
exports.names = Object.keys(octicons).map(octicon => // This is wrong. See 34#issuecomment-335347217
exports.paths = Object.keys(octicons).map(octicon => octicon.path)
// I hate iterating through object properties so ... +1 for this approach
// Old tests
const icons = require('./fixtures/icons.js').names
// New tests which need paths
const paths = require('./fixtures/icons.js').paths
Any opinions? @andpawlenko
@hiendv my built-in JavaScript compiler says that property "name" will be undefined:
exports.names = Object.keys(octicons).map(octicon => // octicons is a plain array of strings here, right?
Regarding on your data.js
file pattern, it may be something like this
const octicons = require('octicons/build/data')
exports.names = Object.keys(octicons)
exports.paths = Object.keys(octicons).map(octicon => octicons[octicon]['path'])
// maybe will be better export all icon data:
// = Object.keys(octicons).map(octicon => octicons[octicon])
But how can I test different scales and additional class attribute in this case? Maybe we can use another Jest API methods such as stringContaining()
or stringMatching()
:thinking: I'm got a stuck on this :thinking:
@andpawlenko Sorry, my bad. It's supposed to be
const octicons = require('octicons/build/data')
exports.names = Object.keys(octicons)
exports.paths = Object.keys(octicons).map(name => octicons[name].path) // This is bad anw
Wait a minute, I'm gonna re-write a little bit.
P/s: The only part which changes is the <svg>
markup, the <path>
remains so we could easily assert like this
expect(zap.svg()).toBe(`<svg version="1.1" width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" class="octicon octicon-zap" aria-hidden="true" >${paths.zap}</svg>`)
Notice: Please fire your PR to branch refactor-test @andpawlenko OK. I updated the fixtures. You could write tests like this
import { icons, paths } from './fixtures/icons'
icons.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
const icon = require(`../lib/icons/${name}.js`)
test(`is a valid octicon`, () => {
svg: expect.any(Function)
describe('svg', () => {
test(`returns a svg`, () => {
expect(icon.svg()).toBe(`<svg version="1.1" width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" class="octicon octicon-${name}" aria-hidden="true" >${paths[name]}</svg>`)
@andpawlenko Sorry, I forgot the dimensions. Well, we should go with the other option: reexport the original data. So now, after this commit it's gonna be
import { icons, default as octicons } from './fixtures/icons'
icons.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
const icon = require(`../lib/icons/${name}.js`)
const octicon = octicons[name]
test(`is a valid octicon`, () => {
svg: expect.any(Function)
describe('svg', () => {
test(`returns a svg`, () => {
expect(icon.svg()).toBe(`<svg version="1.1" width="${octicon.width}" height="${octicon.height}" viewBox="0 0 ${octicon.width} ${octicon.height}" class="octicon octicon-${}" aria-hidden="true">${octicon.path}</svg>`)
@hiendv yep, some octicons have different width and height. That's why I'm worried about different scale tests :new_moon_with_face:
@andpawlenko I updated my latest comment :smile:. Even normal tests would fail without any information about icon dimensions :rofl:
@hiendv what about this scale test?
test(`returns a svg which scales`, () => {
const { width, height } = octicon
const scale = 2
expect(icon.svg({ scale })).toBe(`<svg version="1.1" width="${width * scale}" height="${height * scale}" viewBox="0 0 ${octicon.width} ${octicon.height}" class="octicon octicon-${}" aria-hidden="true">${octicon.path}</svg>`)
or with fractional scale:
test(`returns a svg which scales`, () => {
const { width, height } = octicon
const scale = 0.5678
const actualWidth = width * scale
const actualHeight = height * scale
expect(icon.svg({ scale })).toBe(`<svg version="1.1" width="${actualWidth.toFixed(2)}" height="${actualHeight.toFixed(2)}" viewBox="0 0 ${octicon.width} ${octicon.height}" class="octicon octicon-${}" aria-hidden="true">${octicon.path}</svg>`)
They look good to me. Just a little modification.
const actualWidth = (width * scale).toFixed(2)
const actualHeight = (height * scale).toFixed(2)
Already working on this.
Expected Behavior
Effortless tests with icons
Current Behavior
There are 6374 lines of code in icons.test.js
Possible Solution
We could create another fixture containing paths exported from
because the path is the only variable.