hiennguyen92 / flutter_callkit_incoming

Flutter Callkit Incoming
MIT License
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Android : App does not launch after screen unlock #501

Open alxferraz opened 1 month ago

alxferraz commented 1 month ago

Using the latest version 2.0.3 I was able to have everything working like a charm on iOS. In Android everything works except when the call is received while the screen is locked. The app doesn`t launch to foreground after the screen is unlocked. Have anyone faced this before? I appreciate any help on this!

umairmehar commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @alxferraz, I recently had this same issue on IOS.

My issue was when answering the call on an unlocked phone, it took me to the app screen as expected. But when the phone is locked and I answer the call, the app wakes, and the call starts in the background.

After troubleshooting and trying different applications' behavior, I found that the issue was with the call type.

If you set the call type as video, and answer the call in any state the call will start in the app in the foreground.