hiennguyen92 / flutter_callkit_incoming

Flutter Callkit Incoming
MIT License
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Attemtping to make a regular phone cal #513

Open qaniel opened 1 month ago

qaniel commented 1 month ago

Hello! Im trying to make a regular phone call using this package (IOS), I have all setup "I suppose is right" and attempt to make phone call to a number. I get the green indicator on the left top corner of my device but I hear no ringing nor the call connects... Also when I check the call history where should be the phone number there is instead a hash (I guess?) instead of the phone number that I used? so, i dont knwo if im doing something wrong? O this package really supports phone calls? or I miss understood it ;(

kammcs commented 1 week ago

I can handle the startcall event fine, but it does not look like the module is decrypting the handleData before populating the call history.

Is there a specific callback we should be using, much like the return call func, that allows us to choose what fields go where for the call history and how to populate them?