hiennguyen92 / flutter_callkit_incoming

Flutter Callkit Incoming
MIT License
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[Question] iOS with locked screen. Bug if I send the same uuid twice #521

Open eviceconti opened 2 weeks ago

eviceconti commented 2 weeks ago

Hey there,

I'm facing this bug where the second time I send the voip push notification (if I use the same uuid) the interface does not show the slide button to accept the call. It seems the phone is not ending correctly the 1st call. Even though I'm calling await FlutterCallkitIncoming.endAllCalls(); in the Flutter side. Is that the correct behavior? Or is there a way to finish the call on the iOS native side? After this bug happens, the UI on background (unlocked) also stops showing and I need to restart phone to things start to work again. I got some other error logs but I'm not sure if they are related. Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=561017449 "Session activation failed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Session activation failed} AVAudioSession_iOS.mm:2540 Failed to set properties, error: '!int'

It is ok for my application to send different uuid on each call, I'm just asking to understand if I need to do something else or that is the expected behavior.

Thanks for your support!!!