PlatformException: PlatformException(error, Unrecognized field "textCallback" (class com.hiennv.flutter_callkit_incoming.Data), not marked as ignorable
This is the stacktrace:
message_codecs.dart in StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope at line 651 within flutter
platform_channel.dart in MethodChannel._invokeMethod at line 334 within flutter
<asynchronous suspension>
flutter_callkit_incoming.dart in FlutterCallkitIncoming.endAllCalls at line 103 within flutter_callkit_incoming
I turn off missed notifications, but on some devices the error continues to occur
PlatformException: PlatformException(error, Unrecognized field "textCallback" (class com.hiennv.flutter_callkit_incoming.Data), not marked as ignorable
This is the stacktrace:
I use version 2.0.4+1
@hiennguyen92 please, help