hiepxuan2008 / GoogleMapDirectionSimple

Create a simple app that find a path between two places
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Find button --> Not working #4

Open nigat opened 6 years ago

nigat commented 6 years ago

The Maps didn't show the path between places. Not even showing the origin and destination places.

AyusmaTech commented 6 years ago

Don't know if another person is going to have this the same problem,that's why am going to drop this comment. I have the same problem mentioned above,i even thought the code wasn't working again.. I tried to check over the codes again but nothing happened. But i was able to do some research and it get to work. What solved it for me was that i enabled payment billing for the project on google cloud platform then it worked.

Aniruddh1998 commented 5 years ago

The Maps didn't show the path between places and I have a billing key but it doesn't work for me.its also not showing the origin and destination places.