hieuvp / react-native-fingerprint-scanner

Provide Fingerprint, Touch ID, and Face ID Scanner for React Native (Compatible with both Android and iOS)
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Taking too much time to authenticate on real device. #171

Open jimkhan opened 3 years ago

jimkhan commented 3 years ago

I'm using "react-native-fingerprint-scanner": "^6.0.0" it works fine on emulator. But when I built apk it taking too much time(3 or 4 seconds) to authenticate on a real device. What can I do?

Here is my code:

const SplashBeforeFingerprint = ({ navigation }) => {

    useEffect(() => {
                .authenticate({ description: 'Scan your fingerprint on the device scanner to continue' })
                .then(() => {
                        /// nothing to do
                .catch((error) => {
                        "Authentication failed",
                        "Your fingerprint doesn't matches! Try agin later!",
                                text: "Exit",
                                onPress: () => BackHandler.exitApp(),
                                style: "cancel"

                        { cancelable: false });

    }, []);

    return (
        <ImageBackground source={require("../img/Splash2.png")} style={styles.imageContainer} >
            <View style={styles.buttonContainer} >
                <AppButton style={styles.button} textStyle={styles.text} name={"Go to Home"} onPress={() => navigation.reset({
                    index: 2,
                    routes: [{ name: 'NewWallet' }],
                })} />

    ) }