hieuvp / react-native-fingerprint-scanner

Provide Fingerprint, Touch ID, and Face ID Scanner for React Native (Compatible with both Android and iOS)
871 stars 296 forks source link

This project seems to depend on non-free software #240

Open muelli opened 1 year ago

muelli commented 1 year ago

there seems to be an unconditional dependency:


which appears to pull in JAR files without source code nor a licence: https://github.com/uccmawei/FingerprintIdentify/tree/1.2.6/FingerprintIdentifyLib/libs

Can you make the dependency opt-in? So that the default behaviour is to depend on open source libraries, only. Thanks.

BraveEvidence commented 1 year ago

Check my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAZJ2JhDkNU. It will help you

AlbertoMeQ commented 1 year ago

I agree, also that library seems to be the case of the following logs:

.gradle/caches/transforms-3/2dbd6ab9e655cbe38e1c21660e2ed91c/transformed/jetified-fingerprintidentify-1.2.6-runtime.jar: R8: Expected stack map table for method with non-linear control flow. In later version of R8, the method may be assumed not reachable