hifiberry / hifiberry-dsp

DSP toolkit
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Update dspprofiles.md - malformed profile generated due to extra sequences in the sequences window. #51

Closed edwardjarchibald closed 2 years ago

edwardjarchibald commented 2 years ago

When following the original instructions here I was unable to install a profile that was generated because I had sequences already in the sequence window when I added new sequences. So I included instructions here for how to make sure the sequence window is also clear before adding new sequences.

edwardjarchibald commented 2 years ago

In my case, when trying to 'dsptoolkit install-profile' with a profile generated with extra sequences in the sequence window resulted in the following debug output in the sigmatcpserver, most likely due to a malformed XML file. Making sure that the sequence window in SigmaStudio is clear before adding sequences to it resolves the issue.

ERROR:root:exception during EEPROM write: '@ParamName'


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hifiberrydsp/server/sigmatcp.py", line 445, in write_eeprom_content

KeyError: '@ParamName'