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Idea details are not generated .. at all. #18

Closed wammar closed 3 months ago

wammar commented 3 months ago

[Required] Where did you encounter the bug [ ] While creating your account (first time user) [ ] While logging in to your account [ ] While applying changes to the settings (e.g., # of papers) [ ] While typing the query [x] While Idea Factory was thinking or generating text [ ] After Idea Factory was done generating text

[Required] Reality vs. Expectation Reality: After I clicked "THINK" and the related work section was generated, the idea details were NOT generated. I patiently waited 3 minutes, then filed this bug. Expectation: I expected the idea details to be generated.

Screenshots image

Desktop (if applicable):

muhammadnasr commented 3 months ago

OpenAI key is not working @Mox301

| openai.error.AuthenticationError: Incorrect API key provided: sk-proj-********************************************7fuP. You can find your API key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.
| During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

@Mox301 working on it, seems key is expired

muhammadnasr commented 3 months ago

OpenAI key updated. Our users can now enjoy generating ideas. Thanks @Mox301