highcharts / draggable-points

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Points not dropping? #47

Closed Kozakewycz86 closed 8 years ago

Kozakewycz86 commented 8 years ago

Hi Torstein, I have encountered a problem in that the drop event has stopped working on all of my draggable points charts.

I can grab a point and drag it about, but when I try and drop it, it continues to drag about. Leaving the chart area stops the dragging, but the point remains selected and the only way to deselect a point is to select another point, but then the problem repeats. This has happened to various unrelated charts stored in different folders.

Any advice on what could be causing this sort of problem?

TorsteinHonsi commented 8 years ago

Thanks for writing. Can you reproduce it on jsFiddle?

Kozakewycz86 commented 8 years ago

I tried but I've never created one before and couldn't get my chart to work, it may be because it uses some backend PHP.

I will try again tonight but an example of the problem can be seen here.


(Sorry I am a complete amateur when it comes to this sort of thing!)

TorsteinHonsi commented 8 years ago

No problem, maybe we don't need a jsFiddle demo.

The first thing you should do is to upgrade Highcharts to the latest version.

Kozakewycz86 commented 8 years ago

Hi Torstein, sorry for the slow response, got a new laptop and had issues getting the localhost working!

I updated to the latest version and that seems to have fixed it! It's great it turned out to be so simple, I had assumed it was something I did as it was working and then suddenly stopped!

Thanks for the help, keep up the good work! :)

TorsteinHonsi commented 8 years ago

You're welcome!