highcharts / draggable-points

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Setting draggableX = false on first or last points disables Y draggable #49

Closed frijj2k closed 8 years ago

frijj2k commented 8 years ago

Setting draggableX = false on the first or last points in series data prevents dragging in the Y axis also.

I am using an 'area' chart type and call the following to change the point options:

var firstPoint = chart.series[0].data[0]; var lastPoint = chart.series[0].data[chart.series[0].data.length - 1]; firstPoint.draggableX = false; lastPoint.draggableX = false;

All other points are unaffacted, just the first and last points become 'fixed' in place.

TorsteinHonsi commented 8 years ago

Live demo:


frijj2k commented 8 years ago

Hi, Just tested the demo and the problem till persists for me... Tried in Firefox and Safari (with clean cache). :(

TorsteinHonsi commented 8 years ago

I'ts probably rawgithub.com's cache. Try http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/AyUbx/3229/.

frijj2k commented 8 years ago

Yes, it's working now! Many thanks! :)