highcharts / highcharts-editor

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JSON import incorrectly parses labels with HTML entities #210

Open nk9 opened 4 years ago

nk9 commented 4 years ago

Expected behaviour

When you import a .json file saved by Highcharts, I expect the chart to be recreated as it was when the chart was saved.

Actual behaviour

If the saved data contains semicolons in the labels (for example if HTML entities are used), the data will be parsed incorrectly and the graph will not be reproduced as it was when it was saved.

Reproduction steps

{"template":{"chart":{"type":"line"}},"options":{"series":[{"data":[["a",4],["b–b",5],["c",6]],"name":"col1, thx","turboThreshold":0},{"data":[["a",4],["b–b",4],["c",3]],"name":"col2","turboThreshold":0},{"data":[["a",3],["b–b",5],["c",7]],"name":"col3","turboThreshold":0}],"data":{"csv":"\"null\";\"col1, thx\";\"col2\";\"col3\"\n\"a\";4;4;3\n\"b–b\";5;4;5\n\"c\";6;3;7"},"yAxis":[{}],"pane":{"background":[]},"responsive":{"rules":[]},"tooltip":{"useHTML":true},"xAxis":[{"title":{"useHTML":true},"labels":{"useHTML":true}}]},"customCode":"/*\n// Sample of extending options:\nHighcharts.merge(true, options, {\n    chart: {\n        backgroundColor: \"#bada55\"\n    },\n    plotOptions: {\n        series: {\n            cursor: \"pointer\",\n            events: {\n                click: function(event) {\n                    alert(this.name + \" clicked\\n\" +\n                          \"Alt: \" + event.altKey + \"\\n\" +\n                          \"Control: \" + event.ctrlKey + \"\\n\" +\n                          \"Shift: \" + event.shiftKey + \"\\n\");\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }\n});\n*/","theme":false,"settings":{"constructor":"Chart","dataProvider":{"csv":"\"null\";\"col1, thx\";\"col2\";\"col3\"\n\"a\";4;4;3\n\"b–b\";5;4;5\n\"c\";6;3;7","googleSpreadsheet":false,"liveData":false}}}

Editor version

Whatever is live on the website.

Affected browser(s)

All, this isn't a browser issue.


Before round trip:

Screenshot 2020-06-12 at 12 08 22

After round trip:

Screenshot 2020-06-12 at 12 10 44