it seems like the chart is not stretched out to fit the height when I test it on an android phone, and a scroll bar is always present with the chart cutoff, but I don't see it on the iOS nor android simulators, and its also fine on an actual iOS device. I tried to set scrollBar: {enabled: false} in the chart options, but that is also not helping
it seems like the chart is not stretched out to fit the height when I test it on an android phone, and a scroll bar is always present with the chart cutoff, but I don't see it on the iOS nor android simulators, and its also fine on an actual iOS device. I tried to set scrollBar: {enabled: false} in the chart options, but that is also not helping
<HighchartsReactNative styles={{ backgroundColor: '#fff', height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', }} options={options} loader={true} modules={modules} />
and if I set the height as a percentage, the chart won't show up