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Revise counties to reflect new planning regions in Connecticut in US admin2 county map #123

Open JCHS-Riordan opened 1 year ago

JCHS-Riordan commented 1 year ago

Description of the feature

Starting in 2023, US Census Bureau county-level data switched from counties to planning regions in Connecticut. The planning regions have different shapes and coverage than the former counties. There are two cases in which a former county was split into two planning regions and one case where two counties were joined into one planning region. The Census Bureau assigned new FIPS codes to the new regions and will report data using these regions exclusively going forward.

As such, I would like to request that the US admin2 map be updated (or a new version created) to update the counties in Connecticut to the new planning regions.

Here are links with more information and maps:

Library related to the feature

Highcharts Map; United States of America, admin2 (and admin2 highres)

karolkolodziej commented 1 year ago

Hi @JCHS-Riordan!

Thank you for this request and its description!

KacperMadej commented 11 months ago

The new planning regions are not counties and the current map is for counties. The map of USA counties shouldn't be affected by this additional feature. [EDIT: see below]

I see this feature request being about adding a new map for Connecticut's new planning regions.

JCHS-Riordan commented 11 months ago

The new planning regions are what the Census Bureau calls 'county equivalents' – which makes them akin to the census areas/boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana that are both currently shown on the Highcharts county map. Connecticut's counties effectively no longer exist, and the Census Bureau will only release county-level data for Connecticut's planning regions from 2023 and onward.

Highcharts could offer two versions of the county map, one with the Connecticut counties and one with the new planning regions, as pre-2023 data will still use Connecticut counties, but any data from 2023 and on from the Census Bureau will throw missing values for all of Connecticut with the current Highcharts county map.

More here: https://www.ctdata.org/blog/census-bureau-releases-first-population-estimates-for-connecticuts-county-equivalent-planning-regions.

KacperMadej commented 11 months ago

Thank you for the details and more info. We should add new USA counties map too. Internal note: Keep the current as historical.

P.S. Is it only me or this change seems to be more convoluted then it needs to be? Borders and name change would be much simpler and clearer.