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New regions in Norway from 2024 #133

Closed audunigesund closed 1 month ago

audunigesund commented 9 months ago

There will be new regions in Norway. Fylker (Counties): https://www.regjeringen.no/no/tema/kommuner-og-regioner/kommunestruktur/fylkesinndelingen-fra-2024/id2922222/ Kommuner (Municipalities) with new numbers: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/tema/kommuner-og-regioner/kommunestruktur/nye-kommune-og-fylkesnummer-fra-1.-januar-2024/id2924701/

KacperMadej commented 6 months ago

Thank you for reporting the problem.

Internal note: OSM is not yet updated. The changes don't look like simple changes that could be done manually so it might be better to wait for OSM or reach out to people responsible for the Norway map in OSM for more info.

elisabeth-voss commented 6 months ago

Are there any update on this issue?

hubertkozik commented 6 months ago

I've added this issue to an internal discussion where we decide on the future of this ticket.

Trude commented 5 months ago

Any updates on this? Is there anywhere else I can follow to see if there is any progress on this?

hubertkozik commented 5 months ago

Hi @Trude! The ticket is prioritized in our Backlog, we will add new regions to the Norway map soon. When the work starts, you will see notifications here, in this GitHub ticket.

elisabeth-voss commented 3 months ago

Hello, do you know when this work will start?

hubertkozik commented 3 months ago

Hi @elisabeth-voss! The work is in progress, currently on our private repository. We've got some maps, but it still needs some adjustments. Do you need any map as a workaround? I can prepare some for you before we release the new version.

ingrskar commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the update! Could you provide an approximate timeline for when the adjustments might be completed? Additionally, if it's possible, I would greatly appreciate having access to the workaround maps in the meantime.

hubertkozik commented 3 months ago

@ingrskar Here's the demo with Norway TopoJSON map with new regions: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/38v7Lwbr/

Trude commented 1 month ago

Hi! Is there a release coming soon with a fix for the new regions (municipalities and counties)? Since the issue was closed last week?

hubertkozik commented 1 month ago

@Trude the release is planned for this week :)