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use this new list of objects to render a Facebook style newsfeed #1

Open andrewarrow opened 7 years ago

andrewarrow commented 7 years ago

Here is an array with three items, each with an image, name and text.

[{image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/chadengle/128.jpg",
 name: "Jordan Smith",
 text: "In other news, China is about to beat us to Exascale computing, believed to be the order of processing power of the human brain at neural level."},
{image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/adellecharles/128.jpg",
 name: "Jessica Smith",
 text: "Happy New Year Everyone! We just posted on our blog about our experience at CES."},
{image: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/zack415/128.jpg",
 name: "Garrett Smith",
 text: "I made a streaming music station for Asia but then it started playing Europe. Continental drift on an unforgivable scale. No."}]

That array is the model and your view should take a model and render it. Your controller is the button you click to start this process.

Make the button click to render the above model have some logic to render it with these three sample people, but then if they click again, render three totally different people. i.e. make changes to the model and have the view automatically just render it.

andrewarrow commented 7 years ago

sample people images available here http://uifaces.com