highfestiva / finplot

Performant and effortless finance plotting for Python
MIT License
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[BUG]cross hair is missing in QT GUI #411

Closed bobokingbao closed 1 year ago

bobokingbao commented 1 year ago

Requirements (place an x in each of the [ ])**

Code to reproduce

import finplot as fplt
#here is main code in my QT GUI which call the finplot code

#here is the finplot implementation code which i copy from the example
    def DoubleClicked(self):
        # Draw charts based on input data
        ret_stock_list = QUANT_STOCK_API.quant_stock_day_query(code='000001', start='2017-10-01')
        stock_day_fields = ['code', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'amount', 'date']

        df = pd.DataFrame(ret_stock_list, columns=stock_day_fields)
                'date': 'Date', 'open': 'Open',
                'high': 'High', 'low': 'Low',
                'close': 'Close','volume': 'Volume'},
        df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime((x), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        #df = df.set_index('Date')
        self.data = df
        # create two axes
        ax, ax2 = fplt.create_plot('600000', rows=2)

        # plot candle sticks
        candles = df[['Date', 'Open', 'Close', 'High', 'Low']]
        fplt.candlestick_ochl(candles, ax=ax)

        # overlay volume on the top plot
        volumes = df[['Date', 'Open', 'Close', 'High', 'Volume']]
        fplt.volume_ocv(volumes, ax=ax.overlay())

        # put an MA on the close price
        fplt.plot(df['Date'], df['Close'].rolling(25).mean(), ax=ax, legend='ma-25')

        # place some dumb markers on low wicks
        lo_wicks = df[['Open', 'Close']].T.min() - df['Low']
        df.loc[(lo_wicks > lo_wicks.quantile(0.99)), 'marker'] = df['Low']
        fplt.plot(df['Date'], df['marker'], ax=ax, color='#4a5', style='^', legend='dumb mark')

        # draw some random crap on our second plot
        fplt.plot(df['Date'], np.random.normal(size=len(df)), ax=ax2, color='#927', legend='stuff')
        fplt.set_y_range(-1.4, +3.7, ax=ax2)  # hard-code y-axis range limitation
        #fplt.add_crosshair_info(self.update_crosshair_text, ax=ax)
        # restore view (X-position and zoom) if we ever run this example again
        fplt.foreground = '#777'
        fplt.background = '#19232D'
        fplt.candle_bull_color = fplt.candle_bull_body_color = '#0b0'
        fplt.candle_bear_color = '#a23'
        volume_transparency = '6'
        # we're done

Describe the bug

in the chart the crosshair is missing and some error message in the console when i am trying to use mouse wheel

Expected behavior

crosshair work properly and not error message related to the mouse wheel event


following is the error message

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\pyqt\lib\site-packages\finplot\__init__.py", line 790, in wheelEvent
    _mouse_moved(self.win, None)
  File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\pyqt\lib\site-packages\finplot\__init__.py", line 2477, in _mouse_moved
    evs = master_data[master]['last_mouse_evs']
KeyError: <finplot.FinWindow object at 0x000001AC1E9FA0D0>

and the screenshot 54b5f1263e4229d0fe736c35f1b5ad8

and the odd thing is that if i run the example code independently ,for example, create a py file such as demo.py and copy the example code into it and run this py file ,it works

#### Reproducible in:

*finplot 1.9:
*pyqtgraph 0.13.1:
*pyqt 6.4.2:
bobokingbao commented 1 year ago

my bad ,after go thru the example code and the knowing issue,this problem got fixed, my solution is : change fplt.show() to fplt.show(qt_exec=False)