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axis should start and end at the ends of the graph #8461

Closed linear[bot] closed 1 week ago

linear[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

HIG-4610 axis should start and end at the ends of the graph

greptile-apps[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

To ensure the axis starts and ends at the ends of the graph, you'll need to adjust the domain property of both XAxis and YAxis components in the relevant chart components (LineChart.tsx, StackedAreaChart.tsx, and Graph.tsx). For XAxis, this might involve setting the domain to the extent of your data, e.g., domain={['dataMin', 'dataMax']}. For YAxis, if you want to ensure the axis covers the full range of your data, you might also use domain={['dataMin', 'dataMax']}. However, the exact implementation can vary based on the specific requirements of your graph (e.g., fixed vs. dynamic ranges). If your charts are using the Recharts library, as suggested by the context, these adjustments will directly influence how the axes are rendered. Note: Ensure that any changes made to the axis configuration do not adversely affect the readability or usability of the charts.


highlight/highlight/frontend/src/pages/Graphing/components/LineChart.tsx highlight/highlight/frontend/src/components/StackedAreaChart/StackedAreaChart.tsx highlight/highlight/frontend/src/pages/Graphing/components/Graph.tsx

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